Noble Charter Schools Share Tips for Remote Learning

How did your first week of school go? How was your connection? Did you have any hiccups? 

If you had issues, you might be interested to see what the Noble Network of Charter Schools had on tap for their students and faculty at the start of this bizarre, upside-down, pandemic-laden school year. 

Calling it #NobleReadyForRemote, this morning Noble shared on Twitter their successes from this week and throughout distance learning, plus some tips on how to scale it to your students. 

Attendance for distance learning has indeed been an issue across the country, so the Noble team shared what’s been working for them.

A step-by-step walkthrough of how Noble put together their reopening plan:

But we all know this year has been about a lot more than public health and technology issues. Noble shared their anti-racism plans for this year and beyond, as well. 

Check out the rest of their thread here and let us know how we can all improve distance learning during these unprecedented times. 

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