CPS Parents Wanted for Research Study

My name is Julie Nesbitt. I am the mother of a CPS student. I’m looking for families with children in grades K-4 in a Chicago Public School for a research study on the experiences of parents who, like me, have had the school consider their child’s behavior challenging.

For example, schools have sent my son home during work hours, and threatened restraints, SASS and calling police. Yet, like many parents, I am often ignored or dismissed when I speak up. As a writer and graduate student at DePaul University’s College of Education, I’m doing this research study to document our experiences: what happened, and how has it impacted you and your family? I believe CPS parent voices need to be heard.

For the study, I will talk with parents and other family members for 30 minutes each. There is no payment, but the information will be included in my research study and possibly published, and may help educators, policy makers, and the general public better understand families’ experiences and needs

After interviewing many families, three families will be chosen for an hour-long, more in-depth interview, with follow-up questions. Each of these three families will receive a $25 VISA gift card when they complete the process.

Risks may include discomfort when discussing sensitive issues. You may stop participating at any time, either to take a break or to drop out of the research.

Privacy and confidentiality will be guaranteed: all names will be de-identified using a number or alias, and all records will be secured.

Would you like to tell your story and participate in this research study?

If you are willing to share your experiences, I want to listen to your stories.Please call me at 224-935-6212 or email me at [email protected]. I look forward to talking with you!

Photo by My Networking Apparel on Unsplash

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Maureen Kelleher

Chicago Unheard blog manager Maureen Kelleher also serves as a senior writer and editor at brightbeam, a nonprofit network of education activists demanding a better education and brighter future for every child. Before joining the brightbeam team, she spent a decade as a reporter, blogger and policy analyst. Her work has been published across the education world, from Education Week to the Center for American Progress. A former high school English teacher, she is also the proud mom of a middle-schooler. Find her on Twitter at @KelleherMaureen.

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