My name is Julie Nesbitt. I am the mother of a CPS student. I’m looking for families with children in grades K-4 in a Chicago Public School for a research study on the experiences of parents who, like me, have had the school consider their child’s behavior challenging. For example, schools have sent my son home during work hours, and threatened restraints,…
Tag: CPS
3 Ways CPS Could Bust Out of Its Budget Box
Increasingly, parents, community leaders and elected officials are calling for a massive rethink of school and district budgeting. Here are three ideas on the table.
CPS High School and Academic Cut Scores for the 2022-23 School Year
‘Tis the season once again for high school admissions in Chicago. The CPS Office of Access and Enrollment released High School Round 1 results on Friday, March 18. CPS recently announced that they have extended the Round 1 decision deadline to Monday, April 4 at 5 PM CT. CPS has announced upcoming changes to the selective enrollment admissions process for…
Chicago Isn’t the Only City Putting Politics Over Kids
We need to look to and elevate the leaders and communities that are actually building positively toward the empowerment of their students and schools. If our children see only dysfunction, we’ll only see more of it when it’s their turn running the show—unless the goal is to show students what not to do when they hold these positions.
Whether We’re in School or Remote, We Must Breathe, Love and Care for Each Other
When it comes to returning back to school in the middle of a pandemic, no one has the one right answer. But I would like to observe that we are responding with the same demands and the same strategies we have been using to fight the system for the past two years. History repeats itself. The same things we have been demanding during these pandemic years are the same things CTU has been demanding for the past decade.
CTU Must Stop the Theatrics and Support Return to In-person Instruction
After a year of remote learning, too many of our young kids, including mine, are far, far behind where they should be. When my wife and I met with our older son’s first-grade teachers at Open House in the fall, they told us, “We’re really scared. Not for your son, but for all of them, because they are so far behind already.”
With Omicron Hitting Hard and Fast, Parents Call for Another CPS Sick-Out
The Omicron surge is hitting Chicago hard and fast, with the highest peak of positive COVID-19 cases in Chicago since the pandemic started. Yet at no time during this pandemic has the CPS central office operated the district as a proactive, community-centered, educational entity .
Update: A CPS Third-Grader Got in Trouble for Stating Truths about Columbus
When I met with my daughter’s teacher and her principal, I came with the historical facts and information from the teachers’ site to educate students on Indigenous Peoples Day. My daughter’s teacher just hadn’t taken the time to read the material.