Roseland Peace Parade

Roseland Peace Parade on Saturday

At 1 p.m. this Saturday, Roses in Roseland will kick off its second annual Peace Parade. Registration begins at 11 a.m. at 119th and Michigan. From founder and community organizer Cleopatra Draper:

Together, the people of Roseland and neighbors from all over Chicago will demand peace during the summer, promote common-sense gun reform, community investment and safety! Please join us for our 2nd annual “Historical Roseland Peace Parade,” as we march along the original Michigan Avenue. Roseland is rich with cultural history and amazing people across the far south side of Chicago.

All registrants are invited to enjoy food, music, a raffle and access to free COVID vaccines.

You can enjoy a taste of last year’s event here:

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Maureen Kelleher

Chicago Unheard blog manager Maureen Kelleher also serves as a senior writer and editor at brightbeam, a nonprofit network of education activists demanding a better education and brighter future for every child. Before joining the brightbeam team, she spent a decade as a reporter, blogger and policy analyst. Her work has been published across the education world, from Education Week to the Center for American Progress. A former high school English teacher, she is also the proud mom of a middle-schooler. Find her on Twitter at @KelleherMaureen.

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