Tag: Gun Violence

Here’s what we’re reading this week: CPS graduation rates, Michele Clark HS, and policing children

These were a few standout pieces on our radar this week.  Chicago narrows racial gaps in 5-year graduation rate, but disparities persist, by Mila Koumpilova in Chalkbeat Chicago. An analysis of graduation rates recently released by CPS seems to show increased graduation rates across the board, with stubborn racial disparities. We’re keeping an eye on how this data shakes out.…

Roseland Peace Parade

Roseland Peace Parade on Saturday

At 1 p.m. this Saturday, Roses in Roseland will kick off its second annual Peace Parade. Registration begins at 11 a.m. at 119th and Michigan. From founder and community organizer Cleopatra Draper: Together, the people of Roseland and neighbors from all over Chicago will demand peace during the summer, promote common-sense gun reform, community investment and safety! Please join us for…

Student Voice: Chicago Youth Can Make a Difference and Stop Gun Violence

Chicago is arguably one of the best cities in America. Trade and business are booming and there are a ton of opportunities available for all groups of people. Youth have the opportunity to go to some of the best schools in the nation and can prepare for the real world through curricular and extracurricular programs. But like all great cities,…

Bughouse Square Debates July 28 Invite Youth Voices

On July 28, Chicago’s Washington Square Park, also known as Bughouse Square, will host the annual Bughouse Square Debates, billed as the city’s favorite free-speech event. This year, a youth soapbox for speakers ages 25 and under is being hosted by the GCE Lab School. Featured speakers will address topics ranging from immigration and LGBTQ acceptance to gun violence and…