Your High School Students Still Need Your Attendance And Participation

Your high school students still need your attendance and participation.

Most adults tend to believe once their children attend high school they are home free.  We tend to spend less time at school meetings and report card conferences. We no longer check homework or ask how their day went. There are times when you may feel like your child is independent and no longer needs your assistance; this is far from the truth.

Our high school students need consistency and dedication from their parents and school administration. They need help with adapting to their new environment as well as finding their self worth as a teenager. They need you as the parent to become heavily involved in their day to day life as a high schooler. Just as you did when you were so excited to see them start kindergarten.
High school students are too afraid to ask for your help and affection. They need a listening ear and a hug every now and then. Let them know they are smart and intelligent. Go over their game plan after high school from the start of 9th grade. Teach them how to set goals and a mission statement for their time in high school and beyond. Your high school student needs you to cheer them on to college or a career path of their choice.

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Natasha Harris-Foster

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