As Grown-Ups Argue Over Reopening Schools, Chicago’s Kids Lose

Chicago Public Schools students are back in school.  Well, some of them are. It’s complicated, and getting messier by the minute.  WBEZ Chicago has more on the fight between teachers and schools on in-person instruction: About 900 CPS staff members, including nearly 30% of teachers required to work on Monday, were absent, CPS said Monday evening. This includes staff who…

night train approaching

We Should Not Reopen Schools Now, But If We Can’t Stop Reopening, Here’s How to Lessen the Damage

Editor’s Note: Parent Jennifer Husbands graciously shared with Chicago Unheard her letter to her daughter’s Local School Council regarding reopening. I write today to express my deep concern over the reopening plan the district is enforcing.  In some ways it appears the train has left the station – school buildings will be opening despite real and significant concerns from parents…

in school learning

As Parents, We’ve Sized up the Risks, and the Time to Send Kids to School Is Now

Seldom, if ever, has there been a time in American history when the kids were eager to return to school, while the teachers dreaded returning and even threatened to boycott. However, this upside-down reality is exactly the case in Chicago today.  This morning, members of the Chicago City Council’s education committee are holding a hearing to hear Chicago Public Schools…

Girl peeking out window

Reopen Schools and Free the Hostages, Our Children

So, the Chicago Teachers Union has decided to defy City Hall. Members are bucking the Chicago Public Schools’ plan to gradually open schools for PreK-8 students and provide parents the choice of their children returning to school or continuing to learn remotely. CTU continues its sad conduct, allowing children and working families to bear the brunt of the pandemic for…