If we open schools in communities with higher positivity rates, especially when those schools are not adequately supplied with protective measures, the risk to staff, students and families is much higher.
Author: Mike Friedberg
The School Reopening Push Will Cost Lives Without Helping Children
As a parent, I’m terrified for my child. As a teacher, I fear for my own life and the lives of my students and their families. No one can teach or learn from the grave.
I’m a Teacher Who Wants Cops Out of Schools, And Don’t Bother Asking If I Was Assaulted by A Student
The current push to remove police from schools hits a nerve among some people, even some of my fellow teachers. When I talk about it, I am frequently asked, “Well, have you ever been assaulted by a student?” Yes, I have, and that’s not the point. Usually, asking the question is a sign of white fragility and defensiveness. Here’s why.…