These were a few standout pieces on our radar this week. Chicago narrows racial gaps in 5-year graduation rate, but disparities persist, by Mila Koumpilova in Chalkbeat Chicago. An analysis of graduation rates recently released by CPS seems to show increased graduation rates across the board, with stubborn racial disparities. We’re keeping an eye on how this data shakes out.…
Tag: CPS students
We Can Support Our Teachers and Still Call B.S. On This Chicago Strike
You know what? It’s a real shame that people can’t seem to separate politics from public service. Because if one more person comes on one of my social media pages trying to argue down my stance on this latest Chicago Teachers Union strike, I might be compelled to pop off. Here’s what’s going on. The CTU is on strike over contractual demands…
Let’s Ensure Trans and Gender Diverse Kids #WontBeErased at School
While political leaders score points by bullying trans and gender diverse people, schools and advocates can ensure all our kids are welcome at school. On Sunday, the New York Times reported that the Trump administration is considering ways to define a person’s sex that would eliminate Title IX protections for transgender people and others who express their gender identity in…
To Cope With Trump Election, CPS Pledges More ‘Resources’ For Students
CPS CEO Forrest Claypool has promised more resources to CPS students in the wake of President elect, Donald Trump. “This is a time to support each other, our students, and our broader community through what may be a difficult time,” said Claypool. Click here to read entire post.