Navy Pier swing and Ferris wheel

Summertime = Time to Relax While Learning and Having Fun

While summer of 2021 isn’t, thank God, like summer 2020, it still isn’t the “normal” summer that I’m used to.  And, this summer, schools around the country are focused on finding ways to re-engage families and students and addressing learning losses many children have sustained after nearly two school years of remote learning. For me, as a teacher and a…

Roseland Peace Parade

Roseland Peace Parade on Saturday

At 1 p.m. this Saturday, Roses in Roseland will kick off its second annual Peace Parade. Registration begins at 11 a.m. at 119th and Michigan. From founder and community organizer Cleopatra Draper: Together, the people of Roseland and neighbors from all over Chicago will demand peace during the summer, promote common-sense gun reform, community investment and safety! Please join us for…