The Civic Response to the Chicago Teachers Strike Shows How to Break Free of Compulsory Schooling

As the Chicago teachers’ strike continues with no end in sight, 300,000 students spend another day outside of the public school classroom. Chicago’s mayor, Lori Lightfoot, says this is damaging to children. “We need to get our kids back in school,” the mayor said Thursday, CNN reports. “Every day we are out, that hurts our children.” But Are the Children…

CPS Parent Andre Henry Could Really Use a Raise. That’s Why He’s on Strike, Too

In the midst of the furor over the Chicago Teachers Union strike, the media has only just begun to focus on the other union involved: SEIU 73. This union represents special education classroom assistants (SECAs), bus aides and other non-teaching staff. Yesterday, Chalkbeat Chicago told the stories of bus aides and custodial workers who earn less than $20,000 a year. They’re…

Where CPS Students Can Get College Essay Support

While the Chicago Teachers Union walks the picket line and contract negotiations continue, one of the biggest challenges for Chicago Public Schools seniors is lack of support to write and polish college application essays. But help is on the way. Community groups are stepping up to help seniors with that piece of the college application process. Most of the time,…

We Can Support Our Teachers and Still Call B.S. On This Chicago Strike

You know what? It’s a real shame that people can’t seem to separate politics from public service. Because if one more person comes on one of my social media pages trying to argue down my stance on this latest Chicago Teachers Union strike, I might be compelled to pop off. Here’s what’s going on.  The CTU is on strike over contractual demands…

Fighting for Justice Still Kills Black People; White Allies, Do Your Share

I woke up this morning to two stories dominating my news feed. First, the sudden death of the beloved Black congressman and justice fighter from Baltimore, Elijah Cummings. Second, enthusiastic support for the Chicago Teachers Union strike. I saw the face of their campaign, Stacy Davis Gates, fiercely handling the media and countering Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot. To many of…