Don’t Miss this Memphis Great-Grandmother’s Strong Words for Joe Biden

It took four generations, and a way out of failing public schools, before Memphis great-grandmother Sarah Carpenter‘s family included college graduates. In this video, Carpenter tells Joe Biden he can’t keep letting Black and Brown families wait that long for quality schools. If you like what you’re hearing here, you can learn more about Sarah and the parent organizations she…

Virtual parent teacher conferences

Post-Pandemic, Let’s Keep Virtual Conferences

Word on the social media “street” among Chicago Public Schools parents and teachers suggests that virtual conferences were a big hit all-around. As a veteran of the traditional in-person conference, which usually involves a long hallway wait and not enough time to talk with a harried teacher, what I’m hearing sounds like a vast improvement. Here are some up sides…

Strong Schools Strong Neighborhoods

Madres de Chicago Hablan en Serio acerca de Aprendizaje Remoto

Ayer, dos madres de las Empacadoras hablaron a la Junta de Educación acerca de las realidades de aprendizaje remoto para muchos estudiantes. Puede escuchar toda la reunion aquí, pero es mucho tiempo. Los testimonios de las madres están abajo. De Consuelo Martinez, madre de una estudiante de Back of the Yards College Prep: Mi nombre es Consuelo Martinez. Soy madre…

CPS reopening stock shot

Twitter Sure Had a Lot to Say About the CPS Reopening Plan

Yesterday, city leaders announced plans to reopen Chicago Public Schools after winter break. The current CPS reopening plan is for students in pre-k and special education cluster programs to return January 11. Students in grades K-8 could join them in school buildings on February 1. All families will be able to continue remote learning if they prefer. Elementary and middle…