girl studying

Education for Black Kids Cannot Look the Same as It Did in 2020

We lost so many lives this year—lives that could’ve been saved if people just gave a damn for once. And I’m not referring to the close to 300 thousand Americans who have succumbed to the coronavirus. I’m talking about the casualties lost as a result of a trash ass education system. No shock here—a recent study conducted by McKinsey & Company revealed that…

Tips for Protecting Your Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder

Editor’s note: Today’s guest post is authored by Jenny Miller, a retired teacher and a leader with, a group promoting the benefits of time in nature for children and adults.  Do your kids spend much time outside? Between work and school, finding the time for outdoor activities can be tough. But spend too much time indoors and your family…

Sudbury Tallgrass students

Schools Are Not for Learning

The pandemic has revealed what many adults feared to admit: school is not for learning. It’s for child care and community. Could we create a society where learning isn’t bound up with social safety nets? Could we separate learning from the rat race of “achievement” and credentials?