Author: Maureen Kelleher

Chicago Unheard blog manager Maureen Kelleher also serves as a senior writer and editor at brightbeam, a nonprofit network of education activists demanding a better education and brighter future for every child. Before joining the brightbeam team, she spent a decade as a reporter, blogger and policy analyst. Her work has been published across the education world, from Education Week to the Center for American Progress. A former high school English teacher, she is also the proud mom of a middle-schooler. Find her on Twitter at @KelleherMaureen.
Virtual parent teacher conferences

Post-Pandemic, Let’s Keep Virtual Conferences

Word on the social media “street” among Chicago Public Schools parents and teachers suggests that virtual conferences were a big hit all-around. As a veteran of the traditional in-person conference, which usually involves a long hallway wait and not enough time to talk with a harried teacher, what I’m hearing sounds like a vast improvement. Here are some up sides…

Strong Schools Strong Neighborhoods

Madres de Chicago Hablan en Serio acerca de Aprendizaje Remoto

Ayer, dos madres de las Empacadoras hablaron a la Junta de Educación acerca de las realidades de aprendizaje remoto para muchos estudiantes. Puede escuchar toda la reunion aquí, pero es mucho tiempo. Los testimonios de las madres están abajo. De Consuelo Martinez, madre de una estudiante de Back of the Yards College Prep: Mi nombre es Consuelo Martinez. Soy madre…

CPS reopening stock shot

Twitter Sure Had a Lot to Say About the CPS Reopening Plan

Yesterday, city leaders announced plans to reopen Chicago Public Schools after winter break. The current CPS reopening plan is for students in pre-k and special education cluster programs to return January 11. Students in grades K-8 could join them in school buildings on February 1. All families will be able to continue remote learning if they prefer. Elementary and middle…

Nov 12 Pandemic show ad

Coming Thursday: Hope and Healing for Pandemic Learning

It’s a rough time for families here in Chicago. The current spike in Covid-19 cases has put on hold the Chicago Public Schools’ plan to allow preschoolers back to in-person learning for second quarter. Parents are juggling work and finances while trying to help their young children learn. To offer some hope and light in the midst of these struggles,…


Those CPS Air Purifiers Are A Cheap Solution

While you weren’t paying attention to local news yesterday, Chicago Public Schools announced they are spending $8.5 million to put an air purifier in each of their 20,000 classrooms. The district conducted its own inspection to ensure every classroom had access to either a working window or mechanically ventilated air supply and exhaust. So here’s the filter I’m using to…

second wave

The ‘Second Surge’ Should Keep CPS Kids At Home, Period!

Today, city leaders announced the ‘second surge’ of coronavirus is upon us. Experts have predicted it was coming for months. Yet, on Friday, the Chicago Public Schools announced it was planning a return to school in November for preK students and students with the most significant need for in person special education. This makes zero sense, not only to me,…

algebraic equation

Gates’ New Grand Challenge Wants to Change Algebra I from a Gatekeeper to a Gateway

Yesterday, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation announced it will be making substantial grants to educators with groundbreaking strategies to make Algebra I more relevant to and equitable for young people who have been historically locked out of higher mathematics–meaning Black and Brown young people, especially those in poverty. Honestly, even more advantaged students can be derailed by a poor…