Sawyer went on to reference a 2019 statistic that only 42.1% of African-Americans owned homes, the lowest rate of any racial group in the country. She noted, “This percentage has not really changed from the 1960s when only 38.4% of African-Americans owned homes. There is still a lot of work to be done to reach Dr. King’s goal for economic justice.” She continued, “I believe he would remind us we all must keep working together to make America a peaceful and non-violent place, where everybody is treated equally, and no one is stereotyped based on the color of their skin.”
Tag: Student Voice
Chicago Isn’t the Only City Putting Politics Over Kids
We need to look to and elevate the leaders and communities that are actually building positively toward the empowerment of their students and schools. If our children see only dysfunction, we’ll only see more of it when it’s their turn running the show—unless the goal is to show students what not to do when they hold these positions.
Whether We’re in School or Remote, We Must Breathe, Love and Care for Each Other
When it comes to returning back to school in the middle of a pandemic, no one has the one right answer. But I would like to observe that we are responding with the same demands and the same strategies we have been using to fight the system for the past two years. History repeats itself. The same things we have been demanding during these pandemic years are the same things CTU has been demanding for the past decade.
We Need To Stop Playing Games With Young People’s Lives
I have been training since kindergarten on how to be quiet during school shooter drills. In sixth grade, I was taught to “just play dead” and hide under the bodies of my classmates. Since eighth grade, my “mature classmates” and I have had the added responsibility to try to disarm a shooter.
Chicago Public Schools student reflects on the death and life changes of the pandemic and finds hope
Fast forward to the beginning of 2020, a year we all intended to be great; instead, it turned out to be the worst year we could ever imagine. On every news channel, the anchors would talk about the outbreak of Covid-19, and how rapidly it was spreading. The bold red letters “a virus,” “a disease,” or sometimes even a “killer machine” at the bottom of the TV screen clearly emphasized how bad it had gotten over time.
A School with Student Voice Creates Countless Opportunities
When schools give students the opportunity to speak out, the effects can echo across a student’s life, building confidence and increasing self-esteem. The opportunity to be heard by authorities and school officials makes a student feel accomplished. Additionally, students feel as if they can make a positive impact in the future school system and their communities. Even more importantly, when…
Student Voice: Chicago Youth Can Make a Difference and Stop Gun Violence
Chicago is arguably one of the best cities in America. Trade and business are booming and there are a ton of opportunities available for all groups of people. Youth have the opportunity to go to some of the best schools in the nation and can prepare for the real world through curricular and extracurricular programs. But like all great cities,…
Bughouse Square Debates July 28 Invite Youth Voices
On July 28, Chicago’s Washington Square Park, also known as Bughouse Square, will host the annual Bughouse Square Debates, billed as the city’s favorite free-speech event. This year, a youth soapbox for speakers ages 25 and under is being hosted by the GCE Lab School. Featured speakers will address topics ranging from immigration and LGBTQ acceptance to gun violence and…