Tag: President Obama

Can Arne Duncan Save Chicago?

They called him the Cobra in Australia, where he played pro basketball for four years. Maybe it was the way he would languidly uncoil his 6-foot-5 frame before striking with his jumper. Not even Arne Duncan himself knows why a “crazy announcer” gave him the nickname—and likely never will: “That guy’s dead.” The moniker seems wildly ill fitted to the…

My President Is Black

My President is Black. President Obama may have given the BLACKEST speech of his presidency. There were shots fired at former Presidents, the bias justice system, and most importantly a miseducated America. It was a pleasure and a privilege to be at that moment, standing shoulder to shoulder with hundred upon thousands of my brothers and sisters as America finally…

There Are Still Gunshots Outside My Window Even After President Obama’s Speech

Yesterday my husband and I watched the Democratic National Convention while anticipating President Obama’s speech. Prior to him being introduced they played a video highlighting some of the President’s most pivotal moments. I remembered most of them, but two in particular stood out: I will never forget when the President cried over the innocent children and adults who lost their lives in Sandy Hook. Guns were…