Tag: Mayor Rahm Emanuel

When Enough is Enough: The Political Circus in Illinois

I hate to write articles complaining about the issues because I’m usually a solutions-oriented person but sometimes, the occasion calls for a little griping.  So, here it goes.  I was scrolling through Facebook today and came across an article written in the Chicago Sun-Times titled, “Gov. Rauner Says Some CPS Schools Almost Like “Crumbling Prisons”.  Curious to know how the…

Why Aren’t Education Reform Leaders in Chicago Stepping Up?

Here’s a fact: education reform (school choice, teacher accountability, high expectations and school autonomy) is the not the cause of the impending teacher strike in Chicago. Here’s another fact: it is becoming increasingly difficult for the public to perceive that the first fact is true. That’s because there is a sad juxtaposition playing out in Chicago today. On one hand,…