Graphic Description: Illustration displaying three people accessing the internet on laptops and tablets, surrounded by a blue and purple background and floral imagery. The text reads: “Connect your community: The Emergency Broadband Benefit program is offering up $50 ($75 for those living on tribal lands) off your internet bill each month. Visit Get Emergency Broadband dot org to learn more!”

Don’t Leave Chicago Families Unconnected: Why the Emergency Broadband Benefit can Transform Chicago’s Communities and Deserves the Support of Government and Local Organizations

If Chicago is to truly realize its potential in the interconnected world of the 21st century, we must ensure that no child is left unconnected and that no family must choose between putting food on the table, and paying their internet bill.

Survivors in Chicago Say Sex Education Creates Stronger Communities

Lea este artículo en español aqui. Chicago has a gender-based violence problem.  Less than four years ago, a report exposed how Chicago Public Schools (CPS) failed to support over 500 survivors of sexual violence. Last month, we learned the Chicago Park District is dealing with a similar problem where decision-makers ignored the voices of survivors speaking out against systemic sexual…

Our Kids Need Flexible Learning

Until the pandemic forced us to rethink learning, the structure of school went unchanged for decades. Educators certainly refined their craft, incorporating new tools and knowledge about how students learn, but if Rip Van Winkle fell asleep during math class in 1919 and woke up a hundred years later, he would have no trouble recognizing the rigid structures and routines of the school day. 

School Discipline Is the Modern Day Chattel Slavery and Damn Near Everybody Is In On It

This post originally appeared in Hope + Outrage on March 5, 2021. Let me drop some numbers on y’all real quick. We know that starting as early as Pre-K, Black students are three times more likely to be suspended and expelled from school than white students and represent 31% of school-related arrests. To add to that, Black kids are five times more likely to be detained…

Dear Pandemic Homeschooler

Dear Pandemic Homeschooler,  Nobody in your family has done this before. Take a minute and take that in. It is back-to-school time and there are a lot of questions surrounding what that looks like for children. Many parents, after losing faith in their school system, are eager to explore homeschooling. So, they turn to the internet and discover it is…

Critical Race Theory Bans Are White Supremacy’s Trojan Horse

This post originally appeared on Hope and Outrage from Tanesha Peeples on July 15. Y’all, are they still teaching Greek mythology in schools? Interestingly, it used to be one of my favorite subjects in grammar school. Now, in retrospect—and with an abolitionist mind—I realize it was just another subject taking up space that could’ve been used to teach real history.…