Nov 12 Pandemic show ad

Coming Thursday: Hope and Healing for Pandemic Learning

It’s a rough time for families here in Chicago. The current spike in Covid-19 cases has put on hold the Chicago Public Schools’ plan to allow preschoolers back to in-person learning for second quarter. Parents are juggling work and finances while trying to help their young children learn. To offer some hope and light in the midst of these struggles,…


Those CPS Air Purifiers Are A Cheap Solution

While you weren’t paying attention to local news yesterday, Chicago Public Schools announced they are spending $8.5 million to put an air purifier in each of their 20,000 classrooms. The district conducted its own inspection to ensure every classroom had access to either a working window or mechanically ventilated air supply and exhaust. So here’s the filter I’m using to…

Classroom Screenshot

Here’s How Christopher House Continues to Refine Remote Learning

Learning, whether in-person or virtual, is most successful when students are active and engaged. The transition to e-learning has made student engagement in learning particularly difficult. But at Christopher House, our unique model of personalized education for students, coupled with immersive supports for the entire family, is showing success, with a remarkable 95% average daily attendance during remote learning. The…

second wave

The ‘Second Surge’ Should Keep CPS Kids At Home, Period!

Today, city leaders announced the ‘second surge’ of coronavirus is upon us. Experts have predicted it was coming for months. Yet, on Friday, the Chicago Public Schools announced it was planning a return to school in November for preK students and students with the most significant need for in person special education. This makes zero sense, not only to me,…

algebraic equation

Gates’ New Grand Challenge Wants to Change Algebra I from a Gatekeeper to a Gateway

Yesterday, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation announced it will be making substantial grants to educators with groundbreaking strategies to make Algebra I more relevant to and equitable for young people who have been historically locked out of higher mathematics–meaning Black and Brown young people, especially those in poverty. Honestly, even more advantaged students can be derailed by a poor…

Arte en Casa/Art at Home

En este video, mi amigo, Maestro Jesús Oviedo, mostró proyectos artísticos que familias pueden hacer en casa con agua, pintura y jabón. In this video, my friend, teacher Jesús Oviedo, demonstrates art projects that families can do at home with water, paint and soap. Maestro Jesús, an artist and early childhood educator, shared some thoughts on how art inspires deep…